Google's New Search Index Process: Caffeine

A new web indexing system named Caffeine. Google announced that Caffeine is ready to work. Caffeine provides 50% fresher results for web searches. Google's old index had several layers, some of the layer revived at a faster than the other layers. To revive a layer of the old index, Google would study the entire web. It means that there is interruption between when Google found a page and made it on hand to the users. Caffeine can evaluate the web in small portions and revise search index on a constant basis, worldwide. As Google find new pages, or new information on existing pages, Google can add these straight to the index. That means we can discover fresher information sooner than before—no issue when or where it was available.

On Page Components Of Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is divided in to two broad components. They are on-page and off-page.

On page components includes:

1. Title Tag

2. Meta Tag Description

3. Meta Tag Keywords

4. Heading Tag

5. Keyword Density

6. Alt Tags

7. Page Name / URL structure

8. Internal Linking

On page components can simply be created in FrontPage. The components of on page are the easy to control because these components are created while you develop or modify the site of which you have cent percent control.

Title Tag - The Title tag gives a basic idea to the search engine about what your web site is all off. The function of the Title tag is same as that of the title of a book or any name of the chapter of a book. Similar to a book, each page of your website should have a unique title to reveal the actual content of that page.

Meta Tag Description – The fundamental function of the “Meta Tag Description’ is to provide a basic description about your web page. Keep in mind that this description should be with 12-15 words, as many search engines ignore anything after the 15th word. Try to include your targeted keywords in your description.

Meta Tag keywords – Meta Tag Keywords are the same researched keywords that you have already listed. Your Meta Tag Keywords should reveal the content of your webpage.

Heading Tag – A Heading Tag is much familiar to the sub-points within a chapter of a book. They are used to divide the whole content of a web page into different segments. There are six heading tags, from H1 to H6.H1 consists of the most important and H6 the least one. While using the Heading Tag you will see that the Front Page assigns a font size and other font characteristics, but these can be altered to fit the design of your website.

Keyword Density – Keywords density refers as to how much percentage a particular keyword has been used on a page. It is advised to use keywords anywhere in the content from 2%-8% on the page. Your keyword density should be different from your Title Tag than your page’s content keyword density. Overall keywords density consists of total keywords included in your Title, Meta Tags, on page text, URL structure and others.

Alt Tags – Alt Tags are mainly used to assign keywords (description) to any particular image. As you keep your mouse curser over any image it will display a short description about it, this is created by Alt Tag. Remember your Alt tags should match the actual image.

Page URL Structure – The name of your page or the URL structure indicates the name of your actual page name. For instance, if you want your site to get good rank for one of the targeted keywords say “Red Flower” then your URL structure should be you can also use certain symbols like hyphens (-) or underscores (_) or nothing at all to separate words. In most of the cases the domain part of the URL represents the name, type of your site; here (redflower).Google says that they consider underscores as text and hyphens as separators. However there is no such ranking advantage given to one style to other of the URL.

Internal Link – Internal link refers the link of you internal pages through the keywords that is appearing within your as hyperlink.* These hyperlinked keywords are known as Anchor text or Linking Text (which I will explain in the linking section). But it does mean that every used keyword should have link which can create spam.